Thirukkural explanations written by me are available for purchase in the form of an e-book, a paper bag, or a hard copy for a very low price. You can buy them from, and the Shop menu on this website provides a link to them.

They are also available on all other popular websites, and by clicking the link listed below, you should be able to view or buy them.

Americas and Global Sites:

  2. Google Books
  3. Apple Books
  4. Barnes and Noble
  5. Amazon Canada
  6. Rakuten Kobo

Asia Region:

  1. Amazon India
  2. Amazon Malaysia
  3. Amazon Singapore
  4. Amazon Japan

Europe Region:

  1. Amazon UK
  2. Amazon Europe

Australia Region: 

  1. Amazon Australia

The book provides detailed explanations of the poems in Tamil and English. It lists the poem first, then the Tamil and English explanations. At present, Part 1 of the 3-series book is available for purchase; soon, the other two will become available.

The book’s sample contents are displayed below as animated slides from various topics in Thirukkural. Take a look at them.

In addition to the book, gift items such as good-quality coffee mugs and T-shirts (sports wear, sweat away) are available for purchase on the Amazon website, and this website’s Shop menu has links to them as well. They are priced low as well, but of good quality.

The proceeds will be used to promote Thirukkural further.